
77 Movie Reviews

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But this is a test.

So you know, if you want to test a preloader, in the .fla file, press CTRL+ENTER, and press it again. If you press it during the .swf presentation, it does a load as if you're watching it on the internet. But I'm sure you know it by now.

Frankly, it's shit.

It's only tweens and the camera is zooming around. You have to find a way to increase the quality and do what the creator of killing spree did, he imported the chainsaw and added the blood later. Add a background too, and please, remake this.

P.S. Add guns and put the blood on a different layer, if you tween the blood across their faces, it would look alright.

djnet responds:

haha sex


though i did find a glitch. In the office, a body disappears in the bottom right corner, and this is after he gets the sword, very soon after. But fuck, this is awesome.


dude, there is a fine line between Awseome, and taking it too far, you for one had tricky sticthed up, and jebus for one, got his intestines gauged through with a chainsaw....this hits the side of awseome

suks shit

please put colour, time and effort, and for gods sake, GRAPHICS into it. It would work perfectly.

Sto0g3, wtf???

Ur madness was great, but this makes you look like a total noob. TRY next time, and don't loop it every 10 seconds.


Why can't you make any shitty cartoons? You have in the past but ofcourse, these masterpieces demolish those files. Cannot wait for MC7, make it crazier, like, WAY crazier than normal!!!!


when he used the chainsaw outside, it seemed like he was falling apart, his head kept pulling back, but great idea since he once got blown up. I also have an idea for your tweened blod and how to make it splatter. In each character, add another layer and make that layer the blood, and shape tween it, from one spray of blood to a different form, and then it splatters on the ground, still, GREAT WORK

Splurgle responds:

Great idea! :D Thanks for the review.

yea, ender is a dumbass

but this is about the flash, love it,, make more but could use more realism other than just tweens for the whole body, and ender, get a fucken life, great job, voting 5 on this

alright, i guess...

This is great, though glitchy, but what can i do. Good luck and hope you do a better job on the next time

P.S, last time on testrun, i voted 0 cos there was nothing good i could see, and i have flash 8, not THAT hard, omg, though if i could see anything, nice job

hollowbullet responds:

k thanks, just if you don't like one of my flashes don't make fun of another one of my flashes. If you hadn't said somthing about MU1 I probely wouldn't haven't of responded like that, thanks for the score.

Age 31, Male


Yo Mama


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