
19 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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It's pretty... dull...

The humor is pretty bad... and at the end, if it was meant to be a truck hitting him, SHOW that it's a truck. Really, the only decent part is his face at the end, but that doesn't sell for anything.

Don't make a sequel, but practice animating instead.

Shiftyluke responds:

i know, it was my first flash movie, and i was gona say im not making one, i just never go onto this movie anymore. and i thought it might have been obvious that it was a trcuik, but i must have been wrong, but how would i show that it was a truck then?

I don't see how people could like this...

Firstly, the custom artwork that you made sucked. They were horrible recolors of already existing sprites. Heck, even the back view of Peter was completely bad.

The jokes were alright for the first minute or two with the childish humor but then every second line of dialogue you threw in a meme that was unrelated. You even drowned out the comedy quickly with an overdose of pedophilia jokes. The last 9 minutes consisted of nothing BUT internet related material. It got unfunny really quickly.
The animation was even worse. It was all of poor quality and was absolutely nothiing special. It was all very slow moving... 9 of the 10 minutes was Peter walking through the grass. You even displayed lack of enthusiasm while doing the 'special effects'. Even them walking out of the door was bad. It consisted of nothing but half-assed tween's.
Having to click each time we want to continue with the dialogue distracts the viewer from the feel that they're watching a movie, not playing a game. However, this was only on several occasions so I'll give you my 3 stars for that.

All in all, this was horrible. Why everybody obsesses over something like this is beyond me.

OrangePylon responds:

LOL @ useless review. Just because it's negative. Tsk, tsk, people.

I didn't have THAT many memes. :x

...Okay, I had a lot, but there was plenty of Pokémon satire and the only meme-related parts were the Bellawesome battle, the ending (although those memes were just filler for the text box) and Peter getting Rickroll'd. I'd say maybe 2 of the 10 minutes were memes rather than NINE.

Yeah, it's tweens. :/ It's a sprite movie, whatever, at least I took the initiative to draw some shit. I'll have to practice for next time.

And you're entitled to your own opinion. This review was by FAR more helpful than the "ong i giv this a 999999/10 lool thats so funny cuz no1s ever dun dat b4" reviews that this is filled with. Thanks for your critique!

EDIT: Hahahahahahahaha, it's helpful now! I feel like Jesus. >:)

Even though there wasn't much animation

Where there was, it looked pretty good. Most of the characters are individual and the violence seemed fluid. Just needs to be more out of the box.


Creakskiey responds:

Thanks. :D
Finally someone really likes it.


I'll 5 it just to keep it alive but...

It's smooth but more cut-out for a test animation. Yet it's good enough reason for NG.

Shouldn't you be working on a full-length madness cartoon?

Smashedsmurf responds:

Well, I don't know if you were on the dot net when it happened, but I just wanted to make a point to Cipher Pol (Or FogHorn755) that he wasn't wanted.

And I would be working on a full-length (Probably a tad bit shorter) madness cartoon right now, but my computer with flash crashed, so now I'm on this shitcan till my newer one is fixed.

Excellent. Love it.

And I love the quality. Yet I found out you use a seperate program for the backgrounds. Why don't you make them with flash and keep them there raw? Wouldn't it be easier?

Any who, the extra scene was easy to find, and I laughed out loud, literately, which is a first for me with this series.

JohnnyUtah responds:

this is the first time i tried painting some of the backgrounds...you know..to mix it up alittle.

It's not bad

but it's not that good either. Seeing how there is no body to direct this review upon and it's all just little madness shorts, it's ok. But the quality of the animation isn't very bright either. Constructive criticism? None. But I don't suggest making a 4th because I found the animation very robotic. To everybody whom participated, the movements need to be more fluid, not just a movement and they stop moving until they have the audiences attention.

Good job on getting front page.

LittleLuckyLink responds:

There won't be a fourth.
Thanks for the review


Every last bit of it decieved me...and the music kicked just as much ass!

Great work, if this was what you were aiming for.

knnkels responds:

Ofcourse it was.

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