
Age 31, Male


Yo Mama


Joined on 9/25/06

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ASP's News

Posted by ASP - October 25th, 2008

Another MCnet-born flash!

Gawayc is a flash based on a strange person who's
attempting to get back home to the 1st Dimension.
The flash will have lot's of action and be more
interesting than my previous work. The graphics may
be messy but it's a leap into the frame-by-frame world
for me.

God knows when it's coming (next year I bet). I am past 40 seconds.
At the beginning of next year, I will also begin my series TBC. I may have restarted it 5 times (and counting) but I will attempt to recreate it one final time to my perfection, with new idea's and such.

I am also collaborating with a friend of mine for a game, not telling you what game though, you'll have to wait a few months.

Once again, Invd and I are planning on collaborating to make a horror flash. Who's doing what is still to be planned but we have a rough idea of what we want.

So enjoy and...wait..!

Gawayc - The next flash

Posted by ASP - October 10th, 2008


Bad sound effects are funny and....sorry for the stupid ending. No other way.

Posted by ASP - September 23rd, 2008

MC.Net Collab 1 is out!
?MC.Net Collab 2

This is the best from Madness Combat forums teaming up together. Great collab's....great....collabs...

I made the menu, and next year I'll make another menu, and my collab part. I want in on the fun.

Anywho, Madness Day was great, lot's of great submissions and an epic new screenshot from Krinkels.

Also, Ned Kelly For Kids is expected to be released 10th October so keep a lookout.

That's all from me, enjoy this screenshot..:

Owned, much?

Best Madness Day Collabs and More Screenies!

Posted by ASP - August 30th, 2008

Ned Kelly For Kids! Sorry Krinkels but I couldn't help but use your music...Killer Instinct's music...Whatever...

Anyway, Here is the trailer, made as vague as possible so all the best bits can wait:


Enjoy...and the next scene will be so damn fun...to make...

Posted by ASP - August 21st, 2008

That's right, the Ned Kelly cartoon is coming along great! I'm at 40 seconds, well animated (different style that what I'm used to) and gonna have fun action that has as little violence as I can get. Watch 100 pure frames of fbf featured in Ned Kelly here. Creating that was so entertaining.

Also, The Broken Clan.
It is officially too shit. I'm going to remake it with brand-new graphics and the new deal. Story remains, though.

Invd (Invalid) and I (I) are planning to begin a Random Adventure Collab which will have no story whatsoever, but if we can patch the story together along the way, great. I have the preloader ready, now I'm waiting for him to get his life back on track.

Enjoy your screeny.

Lil' dog, police, guns and COLLAB!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by ASP - August 5th, 2008

Hello NewGrounds!

Now I promised 3 great updates, so here they are!

Violence Related Update Number 1:
I'm working on a Ned Kelly For Kids cartoon! Don't get excited though, it doesn't have violence...at least, not the kind where there's blood or death. This project will only last just over 1 minute. According to my storyboard, it will look awesome at the action scene, and I trust it will because everything else has so far. I am 2/5 done so far.

Violence Related Update Number 2!
Madness Day Collab. I've finished my second piece but the streaming is screwed up. Anyway, both have little violence, and THAT'S how you think outside the box.

Violence Related Update Number 3!
The Broken Clan 1. Every month I plan to complete 1 minute. That's 2 seconds every day. Now that my good hand is bandaged, animating has been difficult. But, I've been ahead for w hile. I'm 10 seconds ahead of myself now so that's pretty great. In honor of my damaged stitched up, bandaged hand, I give you a screeny. Which is rather vague.


Also, how do you like the new buttons?

3 Great Violence Related Updates!

Posted by ASP - July 20th, 2008

First thing.

Madness Combat . net's 2008 Madness Day Collaboration has great progress. Many of the participating animators (Fatshark, the creator and Slipz, the organizer have completed the animation and are just about ready to add the sound.

I'd also like to say that an excellent website for sounds is Sound Snap . com.

Now, I've attempted to create the menu for the collab and it looks great. All coding is complete and the dark theme is fitting perfectly. There, I said it.

Second thing.

The Broken Clan 1. That was my first post. Ever. I am using that sprite sheet but am using a different and more efficient style for the shading, so light accuracy is better than before. Anyway, my news is, I've completed the first part!

First out of 3. So it's gonna be a long episode. The first part has a car chase, but ofcourse, it doesn't look good. These are very difficult, because making 3D sprites of a car...I haven't reached that stage yet. So the perspective may be off.

BUT! The next part will have fight scenes, and I've tested these out long ago, and they turn out great! All I have to do is the transitions and bang! Right into the action.

Here's the last moment in the first part.

MadnessDay and TBC special update.

Posted by ASP - July 1st, 2008

First thing's first; the 2008 Madness Day Collab is being hosted by both FatShark and Slipz. It's MCnet's official Collaboration (Website currently down).

My piece takes a different direction, as it's more based on DBZ. Well, it originally was. I submitted that piece to FatShark and he said if I remade it, better ofcourse, and softer SFX, he'd let me join. So here I am, telling you that my piece is 24 fully animated seconds with plenty of special effects.

Now, TBC1 ofcourse, is coming slower. We have a 3-week holiday so once I finish animating the collab piece, I'll get right to TBC. It's looking quite swell as well, I'm supposed to hit 120 seconds by the end of july, but I believe I could make a 3 minute mark by then! If...I work hard.

Finally, I'm deciding between a screenshot of TBC or the Madness Collab piece. Seeing how TBC isn't popular...yet (standards...I'm sorry), I'll release a screenshot of the piece. It's pretty intense as well.

See ya!

Madness Day 08 Collab & Screeny

Posted by ASP - June 7th, 2008

First, I'd like to apologise. I've been lazy recently and only added 5 seconds. It's just that I've been thinking of simpler ways to animate the next part (the crescendo), and through alot of thinking, I thought of a way I could do it.

By the way, this episode will have lot's of unique transitions, and if they get bad reviews, then I'll stick to the normal transitions.

Also, physics make sense.

Next, the screenshot given. It's an outside view of Dwayne's 'Shed'. The lighting also does make sense, as there is a source of light coming from behind the 'Shed'.


T.B.C Update again.

Posted by ASP - April 28th, 2008

If you hate reading, skip straight to the bottom.

Part 1

The Broken Clan 1 is underway, and I've almost finished it for this semester:
Animated: 75 Seconds

It feature's the comedy of Family Guy and in one particular scene, it features the gay cinematics of 80's love songs.

Part 2

I recently found my internet to be working again. Bloody BigPond has been broken for some while now, but it's gladly back.

I've recently been catching up with my favorites on the internet (Naruto and Madness. I just love deep stories for me to figure it out).

Part 3
I'll leave yous with a fairly early screen shot of TBC, only around 35 seconds after the first screen shot. And I apologize for the timing, I've been practicing linking the keyframes between lip syncing and this was one of them squished inside another. I'm sorry.

Also, keep in mind that WHATEVER happens in this episode makes sense. Most of the car issues are explained in episode 2 and... so forth. Just trust me. Also, the layout of the cartoon is quite confusing, but hopefully if you're not an idiot, you'll get the gist of it and it WON'T be as complicated as Catch me If you Can.

Also, the guy in the picture (Dwayne) is an inventor. He's inventing. Don't ask what he's inventing, that may be explained as well in the later episodes.

And he doesn't have black lips, damnit, it turns out alot smoother this way. And I apologize for the quality (paint to JPEG).

Damnit I should shutup.

T.B.C Update and Screeny.